Wednesday, October 27, 2010

nature walking

last sunday, james, little camera, and i went for a walk.

we found an astonishing variety of beautiful things in the woods. when we got back, we drew pictures of the things we found {including magnolia leaves and blossoms, and flowers and sticks}.

all this made me realize how starved i am for the outdoors and fresh air.

{click any picture to see it larger}

little letters

dear summit,
you're no fun when all the people leave. i feel lonely.

dear people who have looked through europe albums on fb,
sorry. i have never been very good at selecting only the best ones, so, i post all of them. many more to come. just wait 'til you see venice, they will melt your heart!

dear new, purple, eKo Lite mat from manduka,
i know you're all natural and stuff, but why do you have to smell so bad? i'm glad your stink goes away with time though. . .

dear bus driver on the 4:00 route,
you really made me think when you asked me if my weekend was restful last week. it wasn't, but thanks for asking.

dear sickness,
thank you for coming and going quickly.

dear sink,
sorry for barfing. thanks for being there.

dear attractive strange in the baseball cap,
when you told me i looked comfortable was that a compliment? i was wearing a dress, but i guess in the midst of the working cord of charlotte, i looked kinda comfortable. also, when you said "i'll see you around" did you really think so?

dear face,
quit freaking out.

dear parents,
thanks for all the laughs and overall coolness. . . oh, and for your inquisitive minds too.

dear trees,
thanks for finally starting to work your magic. it is fall now boys, impress me!

dear glitter,
what they say about you is true - you really are the herpes of craft supplies.

dear kid wearing the ten gallon c'boy hat while riding a bike,
can we be friends?

dear yoga students present and future,
thanks for letting me share the love with y'all.

dear sufjan,
you are the original hipster.

dear james shaul,
i’m glad we have so much in common. thanks for the invite to join your wildlife club, but don't you think it would be a little strange for me to go tromping through the woods with you, wiley, and the homeschooler?

dear asheville,
i wish that i still had an excuse to see you every month. i miss you, green life lunches, and the ayc crowd more than i thought was possible.

dear productive days,
you are the best. i hope you are a part of my life more often.

{shoes in paris}

Monday, October 25, 2010

to like

- bahahahaha. . . 7-year-old rapper lil' p-nut, yesss. . . please watch and love.

- susanna howe's portraits

- dan borris's las canchas set of photographs with a theme

- colorful leaves that make fun shapes

- trade as one continent pillows . . . i'm thoroughly obsessed with maps/silhouettes/ bright colors/continents, so . . . these certainly caught my attention.

- abby, like you, i love the south, homeschooling, and the people who live in their own world. these photos are wild.

- no history of drugs here friends! : ) i like the song, but the vid made me feel weird. also, who wants to go to the desert with me someday soon? i'm thinking utah would be seriously cool.

- all of my friends have become these super, long-distance runners. . . sarah ran TEN miles over break for fun. for some reason this epic running streak has not hit me yet {esp. considering i have made a pact with myself that from here on out, i will only run if i'm loving it [and to be perfectly honest, that is not often, so i stop and i'm done. . .]}

- water {i sometimes take pure, delicious water for granted}

- mountains with a mind of their own

{photo collage from london}

Sunday, October 24, 2010

le jardin des tuileries

no words - just pictures.

as you can see, we loved les tuileries! without a doubt, the 9€ we spent on the air swing was entirely worth it. we got to see some fabulous views of the city {including our first glimpse at the eiffel tower.}

{as always, click any to see larger}

a reminder

. . .

. . . "for the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. he executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of egypt. you shall fear the Lord your God. you shall serve him and hold fast to him, and by his name you shall swear. he is your praise. he is your God who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen. your fathers went down from egypt seventy persons, and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven."

- deuteronomy 10: 17-22

. . .

these verses have been on my mind ever since i read them last week. i hope that these words make you think and strive toward something powerful as well. . .

happy sunday.

{flowers on the porch after the rain [last week]}

Thursday, October 21, 2010

one of the main reasons to love paris

. . . all the fabulous, fearless, and fashionable bikers. . .

{click on any image to see it larger}

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

life at home

Align Center
outside the window in the kitchen

outside the window at sunrise

grasshopper outside kitchen window

my two favorite people to watch work in the kitch - mom & ma-maw


da-dan, the greatest man on earth

paint time

outside window at work on a rainy day
{i've come to realize that davidson is lovely no matter the weather}

at work

outside the house

exciting plants found on the nature walk

annabel, ruthie, & i at a davidson football game

little art projects with kids

i love my friday afternoons with this one

fall in nc

outside of davidson at sunset


campus late afternoon
