Monday, October 25, 2010

to like

- bahahahaha. . . 7-year-old rapper lil' p-nut, yesss. . . please watch and love.

- susanna howe's portraits

- dan borris's las canchas set of photographs with a theme

- colorful leaves that make fun shapes

- trade as one continent pillows . . . i'm thoroughly obsessed with maps/silhouettes/ bright colors/continents, so . . . these certainly caught my attention.

- abby, like you, i love the south, homeschooling, and the people who live in their own world. these photos are wild.

- no history of drugs here friends! : ) i like the song, but the vid made me feel weird. also, who wants to go to the desert with me someday soon? i'm thinking utah would be seriously cool.

- all of my friends have become these super, long-distance runners. . . sarah ran TEN miles over break for fun. for some reason this epic running streak has not hit me yet {esp. considering i have made a pact with myself that from here on out, i will only run if i'm loving it [and to be perfectly honest, that is not often, so i stop and i'm done. . .]}

- water {i sometimes take pure, delicious water for granted}

- mountains with a mind of their own

{photo collage from london}

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